വിട്ടുമാറാത്ത ക്ഷീണം നിസ്സാരമാക്കരുത്

വിട്ടുമാറാത്ത ക്ഷീണം

വിട്ടുമാറാത്ത ക്ഷീണം നിസ്സാരമാക്കരുത് 

വിട്ടുമാറാത്ത ക്ഷീണം ക്രോണിക് ഫാറ്റിഗ് സിന്‍ഡ്രോം ആവാം. ഒന്നും ചെയ്യാന്‍ തോന്നാത്ത വിധം അമിതമായ ക്ഷീണം തോന്നിയ സന്ദര്‍ഭങ്ങള്‍ നമ്മുടെ ജീവിത്തില്‍ ഒരിക്കലെങ്കിലും ഉണ്ടായിട്ടുണ്ടാകും. എന്നെക്കൊണ്ട് ഒന്നിനും പറ്റില്ല. ഒന്ന് ഉറങ്ങിയാല്‍ മതിയെന്ന് തോന്നി പോകുന്ന സാഹചര്യങ്ങള്‍. എന്നാല്‍ ഇത്തരത്തിലുള്ള ക്ഷീണം മാസങ്ങളും വര്‍ഷങ്ങളും തുടര്‍ന്നാലോ? ഇത്തരത്തിലുള്ള വിചിത്രമായ ഒരിക്കലും മാറാത്ത ക്ഷീണത്തെയാണ് ക്രോണിക് ഫാറ്റിഗ് സിന്‍ഡ്രോം(സിഎഫ്എസ്) അഥവാ മയാള്‍ജിക് എന്‍സെഫെലോമൈലിറ്റിസ് എന്ന് പറയുന്നത്. പുരുഷന്മാരെ അപേക്ഷിച്ച് സ്ത്രീകള്‍ക്ക് സിഎഫ്എസ് ബാധിക്കാനുള്ള സാധ്യത രണ്ട് മുതല്‍ നാല് വരെ മടങ്ങ് അധികമാണെന്ന് പഠനങ്ങള്‍ ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടുന്നു. 25 മുതല്‍ 45 വരെ പ്രായത്തിലുള്ള സ്ത്രീകളെയാണ് പലപ്പോഴും സിഎഫ്എസ് പിടികൂടുക.

വിട്ടുമാറാത്ത ക്ഷീണം



Credit: manoramaonline

Breastfeeding – Benefits for Both Mom and Baby



11 Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Mom and Baby

Breastfeeding is a healthy procedure for both mom and the kids. Breast milk gives optimal nutrition to babies.

It has the perfect measure of nutrients, is effectively processed and promptly accessible.

In any case, the rate of breastfeeding is as low as 30% in certain gatherings of ladies.

Breast milk contains Vitamin D in it. It helps the development of the baby.

While a few ladies can’t breastfeed, others basically decide not to.

However studies show breastfeeding has significant medical advantages, for both the mother and her baby.

Here are 11 science-based advantages of breastfeeding.

Advantages 1–5 are for babies, yet 6–11 are for moms.

1. Breast Milk Provides Ideal Nutrition for Babies

Most health authorities suggest exclusive breastfeeding for at any rate a half year.

Kept breastfeeding is then suggested for in any event one year, as various nourishments are brought into the infant’s eating regimen.

Breast milk contains everything the child requirements for the initial a half year of life, in quite a few extents. Its structure even changes as per the child’s evolving needs, particularly during the primary month of life.

During the main days after birth, the breast produce a thick and yellowish liquid called colostrum. It’s high in protein, low in sugar and stacked with valuable mixes.

Colostrum is the perfect first milk and enables the infant’s juvenile stomach related tract to create. After the initial scarcely any days, the breast begin delivering bigger measures of milk as the child’s stomach develops.

About the main thing that might be missing from breast milk is Vitamin D. Except if the mother has a high admission, her breast milk won’t give enough.

To make up for this inadequacy,Vitamin D drops are generally suggested from the age of 2 a month.

2. Breast Milk Contains Important Antibodies

Breast milk is stacked with antibodies that help your child fend off infections and microorganisms.

This especially applies to colostrum, the principal milk.

Colostrum gives high measures of immunoglobulin An (IgA), just as a few different antibodies.

At the point when the mother is presented to infections or microscopic organisms, she begins delivering antibodies.

These antibodies are then discharged into the breast milk and went to the infant during feeding.

IgA shields the infant from becoming ill by framing a defensive layer in the child’s nose, throat and stomach related framework.

Therefore, breastfeeding moms with this season’s cold virus may really give their children antibodies that assist them with battling the pathogen that is causing the ailment.

Nonetheless, if you are ill, you should always practice strict hygiene. Wash your hands often and try to avoid infecting your baby.

Equation doesn’t give immune response insurance to babies. Various investigations show that children who are not breastfed are progressively helpless against medical problems like pneumonia, looseness of the bowels and disease.

3. Breastfeeding May Reduce Disease Risk

Breastfeeding has a noteworthy rundown of medical advantages. This is especially valid for elite Believed Source breastfeeding, implying that the baby gets just breast milk.

It might diminish your infant’s danger of numerous sicknesses and infections, including:

Center ear diseases: at least 3 months of selective breastfeeding may diminish the hazard by half, while any breastfeeding may lessen it by 23% .

Respiratory tract diseases: Restrictive breastfeeding for over 4 months decreases the danger of hospitalization for these infections by up to 72%.

Colds and diseases: Infants only breastfed for a half year may have up to a 63% lower danger of quitting any and all funny business colds and ear or throat infections.

Gut infections: Breastfeeding is connected with a 64% decrease in gut diseases, seen for as long as 2 months subsequent to breastfeeding stops.

Intestinal tissue harm: Bolstering preterm babies breast milk is connected with around a 60% decrease in the occurrence of necrotizing enterocolitis.

Abrupt newborn child demise disorder (SIDS): Breastfeeding is connected to a half diminished hazard following multi month, and a 36% decreased hazard in the principal year.

Unfavorably susceptible sicknesses: Restrictive breastfeeding for in any event 3–4 months is connected with a 27–42% decreased danger of asthma, atopic dermatitis and eczema.

Celiac ailment: Children who are breastfed at the hour of first gluten introduction have a 52% lower danger of creating celiac infection.

Incendiary inside ailment: Infants who are breastfed might be generally 30% less inclined to create youth provocative entrail ailment.

Diabetes: Breastfeeding for in any event 3 months is connected to a diminished danger of type 1 diabetes (up to 30%) and type 2 diabetes (up to 40%).

Youth leukemia: Breastfeeding for a half year or longer is connected with a 15–20% decrease in the danger of youth leukemia.

Notwithstanding diminishing the danger of numerous diseases, breastfeeding has additionally been appeared to fundamentally decrease their seriousness.

Moreover, the defensive impacts of breastfeeding appear to last all through adolescence and even adulthood.

4. Breast Milk Promotes a Healthy Weight

Breastfeeding advances solid weight increase and forestalls youth corpulence.

Studies show that corpulence rates are 15–30% lower in breastfed babies, contrasted with equation sustained infants.

The term is additionally significant, as every long stretch of breastfeeding lessens your youngster’s danger of future corpulence by 4%.

This might be because of the advancement of various gut microbes. Breastfed babies have higher measures of helpful gut microorganisms, which may influence fat stockpiling.

Infants benefited from breast milk additionally have more leptin in their frameworks than equation bolstered babies. Leptin is a key hormone for directing hunger and fat stockpiling.

Breastfed babies likewise self-manage their milk admission. They’re better at eating just until they’ve fulfilled their appetite, which encourages them create good dieting examples.

5. Breastfeeding May Make Children Smarter

A few examinations recommend there might be a distinction in mental health among breastfed and recipe sustained children.

This distinction might be because of the physical closeness, contact and eye to eye connection related with breastfeeding.

Studies demonstrate that breastfed babies have higher insight scores and are less inclined to create issues with conduct and learning as they become more seasoned.

In any case, the most articulated impacts are seen in preterm babies, who have a higher danger of formative issues.

The examination unmistakably shows that breastfeeding has critical beneficial outcomes on their long haul mental health.

6. Breastfeeding May Help You Lose Weight

While a few ladies appear to put on weight during breastfeeding, others appear to easily get thinner.

Despite the fact that breastfeeding expands a mother’s vitality requests by around 500 calories for every day, the body’s hormonal parity is altogether different from ordinary.

Due to these hormonal changes, lactating ladies have an expanded hunger and might be increasingly inclined to putting away fat for milk generation.

For the initial 3 months after conveyance, breastfeeding moms may lose less weight than ladies who don’t breastfeed, and they may even put on weight.

In any case, following 3 months of lactation, they will probably encounter an expansion in fat consuming

Starting around 3–6 months after conveyance, moms who breastfeed have been appeared to lose more weight than moms who don’t breastfeed.

The significant thing to recollect is that diet and exercise are as yet the most significant elements deciding how much weight you will lose, in the case of lactating or not.

7. Breastfeeding Helps the Uterus Contract

During pregnancy, your uterus develops hugely, growing from the size of a pear to occupying nearly the whole space of your guts.

After conveyance, your uterus experiences a procedure called involution, which causes it come back to its past size. Oxytocin, a hormone that increments all through pregnancy, helps drive this procedure.

Your body secretes high measures of oxytocin during work to help convey the infant and decrease dying.

Oxytocin likewise increments during breastfeeding. It energizes uterine withdrawals and decreases dying, helping the uterus come back to its past size.

Studies have likewise indicated that moms who breastfeed commonly have less blood misfortune after conveyance and quicker involution of the uterus.

8. Mothers Who Breastfeed Have a Lower Risk of Depression

Post pregnancy anxiety is a kind of melancholy that can grow not long after labor. It influences up to 15% of moms.

Ladies who breastfeed appear to be more averse to create post pregnancy anxiety, contrasted with moms who wean early or don’t breastfeed.

Notwithstanding, the individuals who experience post pregnancy anxiety ahead of schedule after conveyance are likewise bound to experience difficulty breastfeeding and do as such for a shorter span.

In spite of the fact that the proof is somewhat blended, it’s realized that breastfeeding causes hormonal changes that support maternal providing care and holding.

One of the most articulated changes is the expanded measure of oxytocin delivered during birth and breastfeeding.

Oxytocin seems to have long haul against tension impacts. It additionally supports holding by influencing explicit cerebrum locales that advance sustaining and unwinding.

These impacts may likewise mostly clarify why breastfeeding moms have a lower pace of maternal disregard, contrasted with the individuals who don’t breastfeed.

One investigation found that the pace of maternal youngster misuse and disregard was right around multiple times higher for moms who didn’t breastfeed, contrasted with the individuals who did.

On that note, remember that these are just factual affiliations. Not breastfeeding doesn’t imply that you will disregard your child in any capacity.

9. Breastfeeding Reduces Your Disease Risk

Breastfeeding appears to give the mother long haul security against malignant growth and a few infections.

The complete time a lady goes through breastfeeding is connected with a decreased danger of breast and ovarian malignancy.

Actually, ladies who breastfeed for over a year during their lifetime have a 28% lower danger of both breast and ovarian disease. Every time of breastfeeding is related with a 4.3% reduction in bosom malignancy chance.

Ongoing investigations additionally demonstrate that breastfeeding may secure against metabolic disorder, a gathering of conditions that expansion the danger of coronary illness and other medical issues.

Ladies who breastfeed for 1–2 years over their lifetime have a 10–half lower danger of hypertension, joint pain, high blood fats, coronary illness and type 2 diabetes.

10. Breastfeeding May Prevent Menstruation

Kept breastfeeding additionally delays ovulation and feminine cycle.

The suspension of menstrual cycles may really be nature’s method for guaranteeing there is some time between pregnancies.

A few ladies have even utilized this wonder as conception prevention for the initial scarcely any months after conveyance.

In any case, note this may not be a totally viable technique for conception prevention.

You may think about this change as an additional advantage. While you’re getting a charge out of valuable time with your infant, you won’t need to stress over “that time.”

11. It Also Saves Time and Money

To top the rundown, breastfeeding is totally free and requires almost no exertion.

By deciding to breastfeed, you won’t need to:

Burn through cash on equation.

Compute how much your child needs to drink day by day.

Invest energy cleaning and disinfecting bottles.

Blend and heat up bottles in the night (or day).

Make sense of approaches to heat up bottles while in a hurry.

Breast milk is consistently at the correct temperature and prepared to drink.



Bedwetting In Children: Causes And Home Remedies

Diaper Rash

 Diaper Rash in Babies: Causes, Tips and Treatments

baby in diaper

Diaper Rash is inevitable for a little one in diapers. Here’s what causes it, plus some tips and treatment ideas to help you keep baby’s tender tush in tip-top shape. The diaper Rash can be easily avoidable. 

The first occasion when you find a dissipating of modest red knocks on your child’s sweet base, will undoubtedly be a little cracked. In any case, diaper rash is essentially part of the child bundle — the vast majority of the diaper-clad unforeseen create it sooner or later — and some appear to don one pretty much constantly.

diaper rash

You can anticipate diaper rash — a ruddy skin bothering of the territory secured by your infant’s under locale — to stay a potential issue as long as your little one is in diapers, however these tips and treatment recommendations should assist with mending that troublesome, now and then excruciating issue, just as assist ward with offing repeats.

There are various sorts of diaper rash, including:

  • Abrading (the most widely recognized sort): redness regularly joined by little spots or bumps in areas of high friction.
  • Yeast contaminations (otherwise known as candidal dermatitis): a brilliant red, delicate rash that typically begins in the wrinkles between the abdomen and thighs and spreads from that point.

diaper rash

  • Support top (otherwise known as seborrheic dermatitis): a dark red rash with yellow scales that shows up on children’s heads — however can likewise begin in (or advance down to) the diaper region.
  • Skin inflammation: dry, irritated, textured red patches, which can start to sob.
  • Impetigo: an auxiliary bacterial contamination stamped bylarge rankles or coverings that sob, at that point overflow yellowish liquid before crusting over.
  • Intertrigo: a red territory of the skin that may overflow white to yellowish gunk.

What causes diaper rash?

Most rashes are activated by compounds in your infant’s crap, which bother her touchy skin. Diaper erosion (scouring against those delicate folds of skin) and wetness (when is your child not wet?) make those tubby cheeks progressively powerless, venturing up bothering. Yeast is another regular offender (yeast adores warm, soggy situations), especially in tireless rashes. And afterward there’s aggravations — everything from pee and stool to the fixings in dispensable diapers, wipes, shower items and clothing cleanser.

Since that essentially summarizes what your infant’s base is presented to the greater part of the day and night, it’s no big surprise she (like the majority of her compadres-in-diapers) isn’t perched on a quite base.

Tips for preventing diaper rash

  • Change your baby’s diaper often: Supplanting a peed-or crapped in diaper with a perfect, dry one assumes a key job in forestalling diaper rash. That is on the grounds that when skin remains clammy for a really long time, it turns out to be increasingly defenseless to rash-raising compounds. So regardless of whether your infant isn’t complaining for a change, change her at any rate when you realize her diaper is wet or ruined. Attempt to give her a crisp diaper at regular intervals or something like that.
  • Give her bottom a time-out: Before you supplant the diaper, give your infant’s base some uncovered broadcast appointment (simply ensure the surface you decide to let her appreciate the breeze on is secured with a spongy cushion or towels in the event that she springs an unforeseen break). No time? Blow on her base or utilize a spotless diaper to fan her dry.
  • Loosen up: Leave a touch of breathing room in the diaper when it’s on. You need your child’s diaper sufficiently cozy to forestall spills however not all that tight that it rubs and abrades. On the off chance that she’s in material diapers, utilize breathable diaper wraps.
  • Dodge irritants: Maintain a strategic distance from aromas and alcohols in cleansers, scented child wipes and different items that interact with your infant’s under area that can bother her skin. Forestall diaper rash by cleaning her base with cotton balls or a washcloth absorbed warm water as opposed to utilizing wipes — at any rate during the infant organize, when that delicate skin is the most touchy. Likewise settle on a water-just approach or pick liquor free, unscented items if your little one appears to be especially inclined to rashes. Reach for the cleanser just when important.
  • Change diaper brands or types: Some of the time too permeable disposables are so proficient at catching dampness that they help trigger more rashes. Take a stab at exploring different avenues regarding various kinds of diapers or change to fabric to check whether that forestalls diaper rash. Fabric diapers are less permeable, which supports increasingly visit changes (an improvement on the off chance that it prompts less breakouts). Be that as it may, fabric diapers can likewise mean more diaper rashes (or increasingly extreme cases) for certain infants, which is confounded by the way that you can’t utilize numerous diaper rash creams with them. In the event that that is going on to your little one, changing the cleanser you wash the diapers in to one liberated from colors and different aggravations may help, as could swapping out fabric for disposables, at any rate briefly.
  • Block that rash: Spreading a thick, defensive layer of balm or cream on infant’s base in the wake of cleaning it at changing time will keep pee from arriving at it and disturbing the rash further. There are two sorts: oil based items (like A&D or plain old oil jam) and those containing zinc-oxide (like Desitin or Balmex). Each infant’s base is unique, so test to see which works best for forestalling diaper rash on your little one. Ensure, however, that before you spread the salve or cream on child’s base, her skin is totally dry. Caught dampness underneath the hindrance cream will just make diaper rash more probable — or aggravate a terrible diaper rash (and recall, a large portion of the creams aren’t good with fabric diapers). Make certain to slather it on thickly, such as icing, and tenderly. Try not to stress over evacuating it totally at every diaper change — scouring and cleaning is probably going to harm your infant’s skin and make it increasingly imprudent inclined.

Treatments for diaper rash

If a rash does develop, ramp up baby’s bare-butt time to at least 10 minutes (the longer, the better) before putting on a new diaper. Just place your baby on a waterproof pad or some cloth diapers, towels or receiving blankets, and let her play (and spray) freely. A few more tips:

  • Skip the wipes if a rash has flared up.Rather, touch her base clean with warm water and cotton balls, or even a delicate washcloth.
  • Consider your baby’s diet.Regularly when a progressively shifted diet is presented, what turns out the opposite end is much all the more bothering to child’s delicate skin. An excess of juice can influence the measure of pee she creates and the pH (corrosiveness) of her stool — and either could be the offender (also the way that the American Institute of Pediatrics currently suggests no juice for babies under 1). What’s more, look out for citrus natural products, which can likewise make harsh craps.

When to call the doctor

baby with doctor


On the off chance that the rash doesn’t clear up or possibly begin improving in a day or two, or if rankles or pustules show up, check in with the specialist, who may endorse a topical antifungal cream or salve, a steroid cream, or (considerably less likely) an oral anti-infection.

Hardly any infant bottoms get away from diaper rash by and large (it accompanies the diaper-wearing domain). In any case, regardless of whether you can’t forestall diaper rash totally, there’s bounty you can do to downplay those breakouts.


Coronavirus Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Types

9 Natural Kids Cough Remedies

Best foods for children




Coronavirus Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Types

A coronavirus is a sort of regular infection that causes a disease in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most coronaviruses are not hazardous.

A few kinds of them are serious, though. Around 858 individuals have died from Middle East respiratory disorder (MERS), which previously showed up in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and afterward in different nations in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. In April 2014, the first American was hospitalized for MERS in Indiana and another case was roported in Florida. Both had quite recently come back from Saudi Arabia. In May 2015, there was an outbreak of MERS in Korea, which was the biggest flare-up outside of the Middle Eastern Landmass. In 2003, 774 individuals died from a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) outbreak. Starting at 2015, there were no further reports of cases of SARS. MERS and SARS are kinds of corona viruses.

Be that as it may, toward the beginning of January 2020, the World Wellbeing Association recognized another sort: 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China. By late January, there were 300 affirmed cases in China and a passing include that was still in the single digits, however rising. Also, notwithstanding air terminal screenings, a voyager had carried the main case to the U.S.

Regularly a coronavirus causes upper respiratory disease indications like a stuffy nose, hack, and sore throat. You can treat them with rest and over-the-counter prescription. The coronavirus can likewise cause center ear contaminations in youngsters.

What Is a Coronavirus?

Common Symptoms of Coronavirus

Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s, but we don’t know where they come from. They get their name from their crown-like shape. Sometimes, but not often, a coronavirus can infect both animals and humans.

Most coronaviruses spread the same way other cold-causing viruses do: through infected people coughing and sneezing, by touching an infected person’s hands or face, or by touching things such as doorknobs that infected people have touched.

Almost everyone gets a coronavirus infection at least once in their life, most likely as a young child. In the United States, coronaviruses are more common in the fall and winter, but anyone can come down with a coronavirus infection at any time.

Common Symptoms

The symptoms of most coronaviruses are similar to any other upper respiratory infection, including runny nose, coughing, sore throat, and sometimes a fever. In most cases, you won’t know whether you have a coronavirus or a different cold-causing virus, such as rhinovirus.

You could get lab tests, including nose and throat cultures and blood work, to find out whether your cold was caused by a coronavirus, but there’s no reason to. The test results wouldn’t change how you treat your symptoms, which typically go away in a few days.

But if a coronavirus infection spreads to the lower respiratory tract (your windpipe and your lungs), it can cause pneumonia, especially in older people, people with heart disease, or people with weakened immune systems.

What to Do About Coronavirus

There is no vaccine for corona virus. To help prevent a corona virus infection, do the same things you do to avoid the common cold:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Keep your hands and fingers away from your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are infected.

You treat a corona virus infection the same way you treat a cold:

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Drink fluids.
  • Take over-the-counter medicine for a sore throat and fever. But don’t give aspirin to
  • children or teens younger than 19; use ibuprofen or acetaminophen instead.

A humidifier or steamy shower can also help ease a sore and scratchy throat.

Even when a coronavirus causes MERS or SARS in other countries, the kind of coronavirus infection common in the U.S. isn’t a serious threat for an otherwise healthy adult. If you get sick, treat your symptoms and contact a doctor if they get worse or don’t go away.


9 Natural Kids Cough Remedies

Best foods for children

Bedwetting In Children: Causes And Home Remedies

Best foods for children

Best foods for children

Meal and Snack Ideas for Your 1 to 3 Year Old Child

Best foods for children

Offer your child the same healthy foods that you and the rest of your family enjoy. Give your child foods with different flavors and textures from all 4 food groups. The 4 best foods for children are:

  1. Vegetables and fruit
  2. Grain products
  3. Milk and alternatives
  4. Meat and alternatives

Best foods for children


Make sure that the foods you offer are prepared with little or no added salt or sugar. Include healthy foods that are higher in fat like salmon, avocado, cheese, and nut butters.

Best drinks for children


Water is the best beverage when your child is thirsty. Offer water in between meals and snacks.

You can keep on offering your youngster breast milk until they are 2 years of age or more.

On the off chance that your youngster never again breastfeeds, offer 500 ml (2 cups) of sanitized entire bovine milk (3.25% Milk Fat) with dinners and bites. Limit milk to close to 750 ml (3 cups) each day. On the off chance that your youngster doesn’t drink dairy animals milk, converse with your human services supplier about what you can offer.

Kids needn’t bother with juice or sugary beverages, for example, pop, sports drinks, natural product refreshments, and organic product seasoned beverages produced using powders or precious stones. On the off chance that you offer juice, give your youngster close to 125 ml (1/2 cup) of 100% natural product juice every day. For dental well-being reasons, just offer juice with suppers.

Snack ideas for children

Best foods for children in snacks are:

  • Whole grain cereal or oatmeal with milk
  • Bite-sized pieces of leftover cooked beef or chicken and soft cooked vegetables
  • Milk or yogurt-based fruit smoothies in an open cup
  • Yogurt with pieces of soft fresh fruit
  • Applesauce with whole grain crackers or roti
  • Rice pudding made with milk
  • Dessert tofu with fresh fruit
  • Grated or small cubes of cheese with whole grain crackers
  • A small whole grain muffin with fresh fruit and grated cheese
  • Whole grain crackers, toast or rice cakes thinly spread with a nut or seed butter or mashed avocado
  • Milk or yogurt popsicles blended with fruit
  • Banana bread thinly spread with nut or seed butter
  • Whole grain pita bread triangles and bean dip

Meal ideas for children

Best foods for children in the meals section are:

  • Sandwich triangles made with egg, tuna, chicken salad, or easy-to-chew meat
  • Hummus, whole wheat pita and soft cooked and cooled vegetables
  • Soft cooked short pasta noodles, cooked pieces of fish and peas
  • Cream of wheat, or a whole grain cooked cereal such as oatmeal served with milk and mashed fruit
  • Homemade pancakes or waffles topped with thinly spread nut butter and fruit
  • Mini omelets or scrambled eggs with cooked vegetables or fruit and toast
  • Cooked tofu pieces,  sweet potatoes and whole grain short pasta noodles
  • Congee or rice porridge with small pieces of meat, chicken, or fish
  • Soft tortillas filled with beans or ground meat and tomato sauce
  • Vegetable, split pea, or bean soup served with crackers or a whole grain bun
  • Fish chowder with bread sticks
  • Homemade macaroni and cheese with tuna and peas
  • Whole wheat pasta with tomato or meat sauce
  • Chicken, beef, pork, or tofu cut in small pieces stir-fried with soft cooked vegetables and rice
  • Rice or pasta and small pieces of tender beef with cooked vegetables
  • Baked beans with soft taco or whole grain toast
  • Chili, dahl or lentils with chopped tomatoes, rice, roti, whole wheat or corn bread
  • Soft veggies, tomato sauce and grated cheese on a whole wheat pita, pizza shell or English muffin

How do help young child eat safely?

Best foods for children is a good way to protect their health. Eating habits also helps them to live healthy.  Kids younger than 4 are at higher danger of stifling than more established kids and grown-ups. They have little aviation routes and less power over gulping. Continuously remain with your youngster while they eat and drink. Abstain from encouraging your youngster in a moving vehicle or in a buggy.

To forestall gagging:

  • Watch your youngster and ensure they plunk down to eat or drink.
  • Urge them to take little nibbles and to bite the nourishment well.
  • Cook or mesh hard vegetables like carrots.
  • Hack organic product into little pieces. Evacuate pits, seeds and intense skins before serving.
  • Expel any bones from fish and chip before serving. You can rub fish between your fingers to discover and evacuate bones.
  • Cut round nourishments like grapes, cherry tomatoes, and franks the long way first and afterward into pieces.
  • Spread smooth nutty spread meagerly on toast or wafers.
  • Try not to bolster your youngster nourishment s with toothpicks or sticks.

Try not to give your kid nourishments, for example:

  • Entire peanuts, nuts, seeds, or popcorn
  • Fish with bones
  • Dried natural product, for example, raisins
  • Hard sweet or hack drops
  • Gum, marshmallows
  • Chunks of nutty spread, nut or seed margarine on a spoon
  • Huge bits of lettuce and spinach

How to prepare food safely?

Small kids are at expanded danger of nourishment borne disease. Microorganisms, for example, E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria are executed when nourishments are warmed to safe cooking temperatures. To stay away from nourishment borne sickness, don’t offer your kid:

  • Crude or half-cooked meat, fish or poultry. Ensure that meat, fish and poultry are cooked to safe interior temperatures.
  • Crude or daintily cooked eggs. These might be in natively constructed mayonnaise, sauces and dressings or hand crafted frozen yogurt.
  • Unpasteurized milk or dairy items, or unpasteurized juice.

What if child has food allergies?

Best foods for children will never make any healthy problems in our child. On the off chance that you have questions or worries about nourishment hypersensitivities, converse with your youngster’s PCP, pediatrician, an enlisted dietitian, or a general well-being medical caretaker.


9 Natural Kids Cough Remedies

Best foods for children

Bedwetting In Children: Causes And Home Remedies

Fever in Infants and Children

fever in infants and children

Fever in Infants and Children

What is fever in infants and children? How can be it prevented?

Fever is a sign that your body is sick or has an infection. A fever helps kill infections, bacteria, and viruses that are causing the fever. Your child has a fever if his or her body temperature his higher than normal. A normal temperature is 98.6°F when checking by mouth. Some doctors ask you to check your baby or young child’s temperature rectally (in their bottom). Normal for that method is 99.6°F.

Symptoms of fever in infants and children

  • Constant vomiting or diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Earache or pulling at ears
  • Fever comes and goes over several days
  • High-pitched crying
  • Fussiness
  • No appetite
  • Pale appearance
  • Seizures
  • Severe headache
  • Skin rash
  • Sore or swollen joints
  • Sore throat
  • Stiff neck
  • Stomach pain
  • Swelling of the soft spot on an infant’s head
  • Unresponsiveness or limpness
  • Wheezing or problems breathing
  • Whimpering

Fever in Babies

What causes fever in infants and children?

Most fevers are caused by infections (bacteria or virus). Other reasons for a fever

  • Certain medicines. This would include antibiotics, anti-seizure, and blood pressure
  • A heat-related illness.
  • Cancers
  • Autoimmune disorders (when your body mistakenly attacks healthy tissue).
    Some childhood vaccinations

How is fever in infants and children diagnosed?

Numerous specialists analyze a fever as an oral temperature above 99.5°F. They analyze fever as a rectal temperature above 100.4°F. In any case, fever benchmarks likewise rely upon age, so what might be a fever in one individual may not rate as a fever in another person.

To take your youngster’s temperature rectally, utilize an advanced thermometer. Spot your youngster on their stomach over your lap. Apply oil jam (brand name: Vaseline) to the tip of the thermometer. Supplement it a large portion of an inch into your kid’s base. Stop on the off chance that you feel any opposition. Keep the thermometer
still and don’t give up. At the point when the thermometer blares, expel it and check the computerized perusing. Taking temperatures rectally is the favored strategy for kids.

To take your youngster’s temperature orally, utilize a computerized thermometer. Spot the finish of the thermometer under their tongue. Go towards the rear of the mouth. Have your youngster close their lips around the thermometer. Advise your youngster not to chomp down or talk. At the point when the thermometer blares, evacuate it and check the advanced perusing.

Never utilize a mercury thermometer. Mercury is poison.

Other temperature-taking tips include:

  • Name your rectal thermometer with the goal that it isn’t inadvertently utilized in
    your kid’s mouth.
  • Start by cleaning the thermometer in warm, foamy water. Wash well with cool water.
  • For oral temperatures, hold up 20 minutes after your kid eats or beverages hot or
    cold nourishments and beverages before taking their temperature.
  • Try not to package your infant or kid up too firmly before taking their temperature.
  • Try not to take your kid’s temperature directly after the individual in question has
    had a shower.
  • Never disregard your youngster when utilizing a thermometer.
  • At the point when you are done, clean the thermometer again with scouring liquor or
    with cool, foamy water.

Can fever in infants and children be prevented or avoided?

Fevers brought about by ailment or disease can be dodged by keeping away from the
things that cause sickness and contamination. Fevers brought about by inoculations
can be maintained a strategic distance from by giving your youngster acetaminophen.
This is an over-the-counter medication (brand name: Tylenol). This ought to be given
just previously or directly after the immunization.

Fever in infants and children treatment

Acetaminophen can be given to diminish fever. Ibuprofen (brand names Youngsters’ Advil, Kids’ Motrin) is another drug that can be utilized to bring down a fever in kids more seasoned than a half year of age. Approach your primary care physician for the right measurements. This will change by your kid’s age and weight. Try not to give your kid drug on the off chance that the individual in question is between 3 months and 3 years old and has a temperature of 102°F or lower. On the off chance that your kid is pain-filled and particular, and their temperature is above 102°F (38.8°C), you might need to give the person in question acetaminophen.

Tips for giving medicine:

  • Don’t give more than 5 doses in 1 day.
  • Don’t give a baby younger than 2 months of age any medicine unless your doctor tells
    you to.
  • Read package directions carefully.
  • For liquid medicines, use a special measuring device to get the right dose. You can
    get one at your drug store. An ordinary kitchen teaspoon may not hold the right
    amount of medicine.

If your infant is more youthful than 3 months old and has a rectal temperature of 100.4°F or higher, call the specialist or go to the crisis room. A fever can be an indication of a genuine disease in youthful infants.

Never give your youngster ibuprofen under any conditions. Ibuprofen can cause Reye’s disorder. Reye’s disorder is a genuine youth sickness that can prompt demise. Try not to offer headache medicine to kids more youthful than 18 years old.

Giving your kid acetaminophen and a hot shower may bring down their fever. Give the acetaminophen before the shower. A shower without medication will make your youngster shudder. This will raise their internal heat level. Never use scouring liquor or cold water for showers.

Living with fever in infants and children

It’s important to make your child comfortable when he or she has a fever. Things that
can help include:

  • Give your child fluids to prevent dehydration (not enough fluid in the body). It will
    help the body cool itself. Water, clear soups, popsicles, and flavored gelatin are
    good choices.
  • Don’t force your child to eat if he or she doesn’t feel like it.
  • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest.
  • Keep the room temperature at about 70°F to 74°F.
  • Dress your child in light cotton pajamas. Overdressing can trap body heat and cause
    your child’s temperature to rise.
  • If your child has chilled, give him or her an extra blanket. Remove it when the chills


9 Natural Kids Cough Remedies

Bedwetting In Children: Causes And Home Remedies

Heart-Healthy Lifestyle in Every Decade


“Heart-Healthy Lifestyle in Every Decade”

The heart is a part of the body inside your chest that pumps blood around your body and keep you alive. Many people nowadays are suffering from heart disease, and many of them died. The death rate from heart attack seems increasing up to now. It is very important to be aware of how to take good care of our hearts. We’ve always worked out but only because we wanted to look good, not because we thought we were doing something good for our hearts. It’s never too early for you to adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle.

If you are between 20 and 30 years old, the preventive steps you take now will have far-reaching consequences on your heart health throughout your life.

Your lifestyle is made up of everyday choices— what you eat, and how physically active you are, whether you smoke, drink alcohol, or use birth control pills, all of which may have a major impact on your long-term health.

Make a heart-smart choice today and every day.

a.) Establish healthy eating patterns and identify healthy foods and beverage options for your grab-and-go lifestyle.

b.) Remember that your body is keeping score. Stay away from junk food and calorie-laden beverages just to control on how to look good on the outside. A steady diet of unhealthy fats and sodium will gradually damage your arteries.

C.) Learn about your family’s health history to determine whether you’re at risk for heart disease.

At the 20’s:

By your 20’s is a good time to start thinking about what’s going on with your heart and cardiovascular system. It’s not just a man’s disease or an old person’s disease. Heart disease is largely preventable. Important research has identified that lifestyle choices such as poor diet, lack of physical activity smoking, and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol are controllable risk factors for heart disease.

Your heart-healthy priorities for your 20’s are :

1. Pay attention to what you eat.

2. Adopt a regular exercise routine.

3. Manage your weight.

4. Check your family history for risk factors.

5. Schedule regular annual check-ups.

6. Don’t smoke

7. Be aware of social situations affect your life

8. Choose your birth control method carefully.

At the ’30s

Most women in their 30’s are busy. Really busy, but don’t be too busy to take care of yourself.

To make your heart health priority:

a.) Start managing your weight now.
b.) Make sure exercise is on your to-do list or daily planner.
C.) Monitor your numbers.

By your 30’s there’s a good chance that you have already developed some potential threats to your heart. You might even be able to reverse the effects of poor choices you may have made in your 20’s. You can start small. Focus on the important things you can control, such as eating well and exercise.

Your heart-health priorities for your 30’s are:

1. Commit to taking care of your health now.
2. Develop a nutritious eating plan.
3. Add physical activities to your schedule.
4. Establish a healthy weight and maintain it.
5. Record your family’s health history.

At the ’40s

Statistics show that being a woman if you reach your 50’s without developing the major risk factors for heart disease, you face only an 8 per cent risk of developing cardiovascular disease. With those odds, it just makes good sense to work or continue to work at staying at risk-free as possible. Your 40’s present a golden opportunity to take charge and improve your health or recommit to the healthy-lifestyle you may already be living. That most actionable steps you can take with the biggest pay off are eating well, being physically active, and managing your weight. Resolve to make every calorie count toward good nutrition and every step count toward an active way of life.

Your heart-healthy priorities for your 40’s are:

1. Stick to a healthy eating pattern.
2. Stay active.
3. Maintain a healthy weight.
4. Know your risks.
5. Develop a good relationship with your doctor.
Even if you’ve lapsed into a sedentary lifestyle over the years or have never been active at all, it’s not too late to make exercise part of your prescription for being and staying healthy.

At the ’50s
Your body is changing and those changes affect your heart. Menopause brings with it increase the risk of heart disease. Use the life management skills you acquired to take better care of yourself:
a.) Make every calorie count.
b. ) Get or stay physically active
C.) Make sure your heart-healthy is part of every physical exam.
Your lifestyle choices, particularly those involving smoking, nutrition, physical activity, and weight management, can still have a huge impact on your heart. If you are a woman in your 50’s you must be aware that you have moved into a new risk group for heart disease and heart attack. In fact, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women, especially after menopause. You can slow down or even stop the progression of risk factors that threaten your heart. You even may be able to undo the damage from your earlier years by breaking unhealthy habits.
Your heart-healthy priorities for your 50’s are;
1. Establish a nutritious eating plan.
2. Be physically active.
3. Maintain a healthy weight.
4. Monitor existing risk factors.
5. Manage the risk factors that you can control or change.
6. Recruit a team of health care providers.
7. Take your medications to control risk factors
8. Educate yourself about any heart condition you may have. You need to balance your daily food intake with the energy your body is burning. Hormonal changes resulting from menopause can affect your cholesterol and triglycerides levels.
At the ’60s
Your risk of heart attack is now equal to that of man. Many women in their 60’s already had some form of heart disease without even knowing it. Your heart-healthy priorities for your 60’s are:
a.) Pay attention to good nutrition.
b. ) Make Physical activity a priority.
C.) Maintain a healthy weight.
d.) Manage your risks
e.) Actively partner with your doctor.
f.) Learn the sign of heart attack and share them with your friends.
Making the right dietary changes such as adding vegetables, fruits and whole grains can have a profound effect on heart disease risk. Remember that it is the overall pattern of your choices that counts the most.
At the ’70s and Beyond
It’s never too late to benefit from a heart-healthy lifestyle. Although your senior years definitely carry an increased risk for her heart attack, the medical community has made great strides in diagnosing and treating these conditions, especially in women. Maintain your heart-healthy habits air add new ones.
a.) Be sure to eat well.
b.) Stay physically active
c ) Do not accept struggling with stairs.
d.) Know the warning signs of heart attack and stroke.
e.) Do something healthy for yourself.
By choosing to live healthily and stay upbeat, you are protecting your vitality and independence. Healthy behaviour choices may actually do as much if not more than medicine to maintain the quality of your life well past your 80’s. In fact, almost 74 per cent of women will have high blood pressure by age 65. Your heart-health priorities in your 70’s and beyond are:
1. Eat well
2. Stay active.
3. Manage your weight.
4. Monitor your heart health and folly through
5. Maintain good communication with your doctors.
Your checklist for achieving heart health in your 70s and beyond are as follows:
Make eating well a priority. Stay as physically active as you develop a plan to eat good food nutrition. Partner with a network of trusted health care professionals. Get a regular health check-up and communicate openly with health care providers. Follow your doctor’s recommendation for managing risks factors for heart disease. Take medications as prescribed, and know the warning signs of heart attack and stroke.
American Heart Association: A complete guide to Women’s Heart Health 2004

Brain Food to Stay Sharp


“Brain Food to Stay Sharp”

“Brain Food to Stay Sharp” Our brains is the part inside the top of our head that controls our body. It is just right to choose the foods that you eat to keep it sharp and healthy.
(Excerpt from Brains Hacks 200 + ways to boost your brainpower by Simon and Schuster 2018)

Top 10 foods for brains

1. Beans and legumes

2. Coconut oil

3. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon

4. Green leafy vegetables

5. Nuts

6. Olive oil

7. Cruciferous ( cabbage family)

8. Lean poultry like skinless chicken and ground turkey

9. Whole grain

10. Wine, either white or red ( in moderation)

“Five Foods to Forget”

1. Butter and margarine

2. Cheese

3. Fried Foods

4. Pastries and desserts

5. Red Meat, especially high- fat processed meat like bacon, sausages and salami. According to research, the more you eat a plant-based diet, the more positively it will affect your brain health.

Watch alcohol intake.

Drinking too much alcohol slows your reactions, impairs your judgement, and can even cause blackouts and memory lapses. Alcohol abuse can cause permanent brain damage. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that long term drinking can actually shrink your brain. It also creates problems with the structures that carry information between brain cells making it harder for you to think and react even when you’re on stone-cold sober. Because heavy drinkers often have poor diets, dietary deficiencies may also harm it. Consume alcohol in moderation, no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.

The brain is the part inside the top of our head that controls our body. It is just right to choose the foods that you eat to keep it sharp and healthy.

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