Autism In Babies: Signs And How To Manage It

Autism In Babies: Signs And How To Manage It

Autism In Babies. Autism is a complex neurological disorder that causes several deviations in an infant’s behavioral traits. While it persists for a lifetime, the disorder can be detected in infancy.

What are the tell-tale signs of autism in babies? What can you do when your child is diagnosed with It? In this article, We are telling you about autism, its causes, signs, and factors that increase the risk of this disease.

What Is Autism?

Autism In Babies

Autism spectrum disorder, or autism as it is known, is a neurological disability that primarily affects an individual’s communication skills, social skills, and overall behavior. The condition is referred to as a spectrum disorder as the symptoms can range from mild to severe.

A person’s inability to socialize and communicate often affects their day-to-day life.

How Common Is Autism Among Infants?

According to the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), the average prevalence of infantile autism in Asia, Europe, and North America together is 1-2%, i.e., one to two infants in 100.

It is nearly five times more likely to occur in boys than girls. The condition can affect infants of any ethnicity, nationality, and socioeconomic group.

What Causes Autism?

The causes of this disease are not known; they could be a combination of factors or a single one, and vary from person to person. However, several decades of research point to the following reasons:

  1. Genetic anomalies: More than 100 genes on various chromosomes can cause ASD by a single mutation. People with this disease have different mutations, and a combination of a few specific mutations may also lead to this disease.
  2. Environmental factors: Some people with genetic autistic mutations may not display/develop autism. However, interactions of genetic mutations with specific environmental factors such as infections or chemicals may result in autism eventually. That said, those with this disease genes may not develop autism even after exposure to detrimental environmental conditions, owing to their unpredictability.
  3. Sporadic causes: Autism can also develop spontaneously if the infant has neurological disorders, an overgrowth of brain tissue, faulty metabolism, and autoimmune diseases. Sometimes, this disease may co-exist with other disorders such as Down’s syndrome and Fragile X syndrome. Faulty genes are often cited to be the prime reason for the development of this disease among infants.

Does Vaccination Cause Autism In Babies?

Autism In Babies

No. Vaccinations or the lack of them cannot make a baby susceptible to autism. In fact, vaccination has nothing to do with autism, which is entirely influenced by other factors.

What Prenatal Factors Increase The Risk Of Autism?

There are over 50 prenatal factors that influence its susceptibility. The following are the most notable ones:

  • Gestational diabetes
  • Bleeding in pregnancy
  • Uterine infections while pregnant
  • Side effects of medication during pregnancy
  • High maternal age at childbirth
  • The child is the firstborn

The above factors do not implicate autism at birth, but merely increase the risk of the condition. The presence of one or more of the above conditions does not necessarily result in autism.

What Are The Signs Of Autism In Babies?

The signs of autism are progressive and vary as per the baby’s age. The early signs of this disease can present themselves even before the baby is a year old. Here are the signs of autism in infants.

Birth to 12 months
  • Do not coo or babble.
  • Do not try to mimic or vocally respond to someone who tries to talk with the baby.
  • Do not make gestures like waving and pointing.
  • Shows no interest in grabbing new objects.
  • Avoids eye contact and may get fussy if someone looks straight into the eyes.
  • Repeatedly sways and stretches hands awkwardly.
  • Do not respond to name, no matter how many times you call out.
  • Plays with toys unusually like always moving a toy car forward and backward and doing nothing beyond.
  • Always displays excessive fussiness and emotional tantrums when offered new foods.
  • They Throw tantrums when something is changed. For example, when you move their toys to a new place.
  • Stays upset for unusually extended durations.
  • Extreme reactions; either too excited or just uninterested.

Some of these signs may even persist through toddlerhood.

12-24 months

Autism In Babies

  • Performs repeated actions, such as turning a rotating chair in one direction, for minutes together.
  • Continuously bangs head backward to the backrest of the chair.
  • Loses language skills, if any were developed.
  • Makes whining, squealing, or growling sounds repeatedly.
  • Shows little interest in interacting with peers and making friends.
  • Continuously repeats a heard word, without understanding its meaning.
  • Shows no interest or enthusiasm in exploring something new.
  • May cry and act fussy in a noisy environment or when encountering bright lights.
  • Reverses the pronouns while talking: might say “you” instead of “I.”
  • Gives random, unrelated answers to questions.
  • Always play with a part of a toy rather than a full toy. Tends to spin the wheel of a toy car instead of moving the entire car ahead.
  • Lines up objects in a straight line or pile them up.
  • Shows awkward compulsive behavior like transferring water from a bottle to a cup and back to a bottle repeatedly.
  • Becomes attached to unusual objects. Like picking up a bunch of keys and clinging clung to them for the rest of the day, or even falling asleep with it in hand.
  • Walks and performs unusual actions, such as walking up and down an incline repeatedly.
  • Do not pretend play.
  • Does not display emotional empathy.

24-36 months

Autism In Babies

  • Does not speak two-word phrases and simple words like other toddlers.
  • Do not initiate conversation. Also, may not show interest in sustaining a current conversation.
  • Displays unusually good memory of numbers and music, such as a song or a jingle heard on the radio.
  • Would tilt and turn to look at objects unusually.
  • Shows no regard for self-safety. For example, the child walks up to the edge of a roof to see what’s below and not be afraid of falling.
  • Has a low attention span and pays no attention to someone talking, even if that someone is the only person around.
  • Will not respond to name but instantly turns to other sounds such as the doorbell or a phone ring.
  • Often walks unusually, like on tip-toes or some other awkward way.
  • Will avoid or aggressively resist physical contact.
  • Does not display excitement or joy on experiencing something like going to a park or eating ice cream, which would otherwise excite a toddler.
  • May get grumpy often but is difficult to cajole.
  • Sticks to a routine every day. For instance, if he has baby cereal the first thing in the morning, then he will want to do the same every day and will not be open to even the slightest of changes in the routine.

A baby is quite likely to be diagnosed earlier if screened regularly for autism. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends screening an infant for autism at the age of 18 and 24 months. Research suggests that detection of autism at 24 months is the most reliable.

How Is Autism In Babies Diagnosed?

Autism In Babies

The following screening procedures are used for detecting autism in infants:

Examining family health history: If someone in your family had this disease, then the baby has a risk of developing the condition. So the pediatrician will ask you questions to learn if other family members have autism. If the baby’s sibling has this disease, then the chances of him being autistic are about 18%. If the baby’s identical twin is diagnosed with autism, then the chances increase to 95%.

Observed traits: The doctor will check for unusual behavioral traits that indicate autism in the baby.

Screening questionnaire: Parents are handed an autism test questionnaire called Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT). It contains 23 questions covering all aspects of autism such as language delay, behavioral problems, and a general shift in body language.

M-CHAT helps parents express their observations of the child, while it makes determining autism easier for the healthcare provider. Do note that the screening test questions could vary depending on the questionnaire used by the pediatrician.

Experts state that autism screening does not warrant detection. The behavior of a baby and toddler changes over time and an infant diagnosed with it in infancy may eventually turn out to be normal. In other words, the M-CHAT is not 100% accurate.

Do not panic if the baby is diagnosed with this disease, and do not shy away from asking more questions if he is declared normal but still displays unusual traits.

How Is Autism In Babies Treated?

There is no cure for autism. Researchers are trying to find a solution to try and tackle the problem at its early stages. autism among infants and toddlers can be managed with systematic steps that help the parents and children deal with the condition better.

How To Manage autism In Babies?

Autism In Babies

Autism in babies can be handled well when the parents, doctors, and specialized care providers play their designated roles as they should. this disease can be managed through:

1. Parent education: To help the child, parents should understand what autism is and what they can do to care for their baby better. Parents can seek guidance and help from support groups and organizations that provide the necessary resources.

2. Improvement therapies: Depending on the baby’s age and the extent of the condition, a pediatrician may recommend a therapy suitable for the infant. Applied Behavior Analysis or the ABA is a popular behavioral therapy that aims to gradually enforce desirable behavioral and social traits in an autistic person.

It is also called Discrete Trial Therapy or DTT. Such therapies employ a variety of activities to reinforce the desired behavior in the child. ABA is considered to be the most effective of all therapies for autistic individuals. Other therapies recommended include Lovaas Therapy, Augmentative, and Alternative Communication AAC, and Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship-Based or the DIR Therapy.

3. Speech, language, and early educational interventions: Infants and toddlers with autism may have difficulty learning, and that could interfere with their chances of having a normal education. A toddler can undergo therapy for fundamental speech skills.

4. General precautions: Toddlers with autism have little regard for their safety and may indulge in behavior that could put their lives at risk. Securing the home and the environment is the best way to prevent accidents. Simple steps include securing the doors, closing electrical outlets, and keeping the toddler within sight while outdoors. The use of GPS devices and identification tags can also be helpful in case the child tends to wander away.

Sometimes the doctor may prescribe medications for autism. These medicines do not treat the condition but subdue the symptoms of collateral disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression.

However, infants and toddlers are seldom administered medication. The therapy recommended by the doctor is the best way to help a child with this disease.

Is Autism In Babies Preventable?

Autism In Babies

There is no way to prevent autism as there isn’t an exact cause that researchers can pinpoint.

Can Babies With Autism Grow To Have Normal Lives?

Yes. According to the US Centre for Disease Control, about 44% of individuals with autism have an average, and even above average, intellectual ability. The AAP notes that toddlers with this disease are good at remembering numbers and music. These facts prove that it needn’t limit a child’s abilities and chance to do well in life. Timely intervention through therapy and training helps minimize the limitations. In the long term, adults with it could live normal lives with little restraint from the disorder.

The diagnosis of autism in your baby may be a shock to you. There may be no permanent solution to this disease, but the condition can be handled. Remember that this disease is a disability, but not a disease. Disabilities can be overcome with the right tools and interventions, allowing the individual to stay on par with their peers.


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