About My baby smiles website

Mybabysmiles logo 01Hi there! Our page is mainly for publication of babies’ photos on our Facebook page, as well as publishing baby care tips, and contents about babies and mom’s corner. Babies’ cuteness is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It melts adult’s hearts. Their faces of innocence, expressive eyes and beautiful smiles brings joy, light emotions and happiness to everyone. Parents who have babies are the happiest when they see their baby’s happy faces. It made us came up with an idea to publish the captured unforgettable moments of their babies of everyone who are willing to share it through our social media like Facebook. We fully understand that privacy of each baby counts a lot for their safety. So we came up to require the members to register in our website in order to upload their baby’s photos. The photos are then auto uploaded into our Facebook page. In this case, each photos that appears are assured to have permission from baby’s parents/guardians and was being published through their own will. Babies are angel from above, the most precious gift from heaven to every parent. They are vulnerable and delicate. They need to be well cared of. It urged us to publish contents about baby care tips and mom’s corner which consists different useful information on how and what to do for babies, maintain their good health and avoid them from being harmed. We are hopeful that these babies will be our successor . It is our full duty and responsibility to ensure their safety until they become adult and mature enough to understand and lead the society. Together we can make it by sharing the world how these cute babies and their lovely smiles are promising.

What We Do

We give prizes, fun, excitement and knowledge. We specializes in facilitating fun and excitement by organising various types of contests in a specified span of time and special occasions. We also cater everyone with brainy feeds as your knowledge blasters. We post important informations on daily basis, inspirational thoughts, and enjoyable games to play with.

We provide daily happy and funny insights that will help everyone brighten up their days by catering them with inspirational messages that may touch their hearts

By the help of the tips we prepared randomly, we promise you to get useful tips and how to do it right.

With the games we put up for you in the site, we want to ensure that your leisure time with your loved ones are worth living for and full of smiles.